Summer Psalms

What are your plans for summer? Why not include the reading of one of the favorite portions of the Bible – reading the Book of Psalms – over 60 days of this season. Designed as a reading guide and personal journal, this little book is a tool to help you complete a Bible-reading goal over the slower paced months of summer. Each daily reading includes applicable quotes from well-known Christian authors, questions for reflection, and a place to journal or write your own prayer in response to the reading. The book is appropriate for individuals or group use, and can even be used as a 12-week study guide for groups that will read 5 portions each week, then come together to share with one another.

You can purchase a copy by going to I have limited copies that I can send out to Canadian addresses by contacting me directly (see link below).

Flour·ish (‘fləriSH)

Each year I spend some time asking the Lord to reveal a key thought or a key verse to guide my times of Bible reading, prayer, and daily devotions. This year the word “Flourish” has come to mind, especially in the context of Psalm 1. It reminds me of the words of Jesus in John 10:10, promising that he comes to us so that we might experience an abundant life; that we might experience all that God has for us, independent of our outward circumstances.

The year 2021 has not moved out from under the shadow of Covid-19 and all of the adjustments we have made. However, as we continue to hope in the Lord there is a sense that He has something specific and special for us in what will be a “new normal”

There are things that the person who wants to experience the abundance of a God-centered life must do. As with many promises in the Word of God, there are things to avoid: Do not walk in step with the wicked, or stand in the way sinners take, or sit in the seat of scoffers. There are also two things that are key to experiencing God in all of His fulness: Delighting in the law of the Lord and meditating upon it day and night.

The person who keeps their mind focused on God’s Word will experience abundance; they will flourish and be like a sturdy oak planted by a bubbling brook that sustains it and feeds it. This person will have roots that go down deep enough to withstand the fiercest storm, or a canopy rich enough to provide protection against the scorching heat of the summer sun. They will flourish in the knowledge that “the Lord watches over the way of the righteous” (verse 6), and be able to face all that is to come in what continues to be a pandemic-influenced year.

A funny thing happened on the way to …

The Book of Acts records two mid-course changes in the life of Paul: once on the Road to Damascus and another that turned his focus to the European continent through a dream of a Macedonian man calling for him to bring the Gospel to an unreached people. These are only two of the many examples of God leading His people in unexpected and unexplainable ways.

That’s what the year 2020 felt like for us. In March we sensed clear direction towards a destination that would have returned us as International Workers with the Canadian C&MA, working as pastors of an international, English-speaking congregation. But then came Covid-19 and the the world shut down. International travel was cancelled and plans of mission leadership shifted, reacting to closures and restrictions that no one could have anticipated.

So, as we enter 2021 we find ourselves in Saskatoon, waiting to see where the next door will open. We also monitor the health and situation of our parents living in the Lower Mainland, recognizing the need to be closer to them. We have found that sometimes the next marching order of God is to wait; knowing that there are promises that speak of His blessing, provision and direction to us as we trust Him (Is. 40:31).

Pre-Christmas E-Book Deals


‘Twas the Night: A Christmas Collection is current available on Amazon for $US 2.99, or for FREE if you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited. That’s less than 25 cents per story. Get it delivered today by clicking here.

*If you’ve read this book, could you please take 2 minutes and give it a review on Amazon by adding your comments here.


The Return: A 9/11 Story is a great way to pass the pandemic lockdown in your area. It is available from Dec. 22-25 for only $US 0.99. The special is extended from Dec. 26-29 for $US 1.99. After Dec. 30th the price returns to $US 2.99. This e-book is also available for FREE for those who subscribe to Kindle Unlimited. Download your copy today by clicking on this link.

Shop KW Virtual Christmas Market

The Greater Kitchener/Waterloo Chamber of Commerce is providing an opportunity for local artisans and authors to present their Christmas-themed materials to the local community.

‘Twas the Night: A Christmas Collection is a family-friendly, faith-based collection of 13 short stories that all take place on Christmas Eve. Readers will travel from Malawi to Mexico, and from ancient Palestine to modern-day Egypt, learning the background of many familiar seasonal traditions and ways that people around the world celebrate Christmas.

Local Kitchener/Waterloo residents pay $CDN 12.99 and receive free delivery and/or shipping with the purchase of this book. Click here for further details.

The book includes the story, Christmas Comes to Schneider’s House; a fictional account set in 1816, incorporates local Kitchener history. It tells a fictional conversation between Joseph Schneider and Pastor George Erb, as they discuss how they can reach out to the group of new English and Scottish immigrants that have come into the Waterloo District.

For those living outside of the Kitchener region, the book is available in E-Book format or paperback at, or for expedited delivery to Canadian readers, at


Kitchener Farewell

Dwayne and Rhonda Buhler will be meeting friends at a socially distanced, drive-by event, held at Hazelglen Alliance Church (45 Hazelglen Drive) on Saturday Oct. 31 at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00. Come and say good-bye and take advantage of a last opportunity to pick up one of his books, including the recently published novel, The Return: A 9/11 Story.

Arrived! Get a free E-book today!

The first printed copy of The Return: A 9/11 Story came in the mail today. It’s been delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, in a couple of weeks I will be able to have copies available in person and will plan a launch event for the end of September.

Meanwhile, if you would like to read a free e-Book version and are enrolled on Amazon’s KindleUnlimited by clicking here. Canadian readers can get the same deal by clicking this link. The free offer will run from Aug. 29-31, 2020.

Happy Canada Day, eh!

Good morning! I’d like to give you a quick update on a couple of writing projects that include a Canadian connection.

First, I’d invite you to download a copy of the Refresh Bible Study Magazine June 30, 2020 edition. Their “Canadian connection” is an article I wrote based on Proverbs 3:5-6. For those who followed May’s Proverb-a-Day challenge, you will see that I adapted the article for a mostly American audience; however, the principle of “The Line” is a transferable truth that is understood in all contexts. Download a free copy of the magazine, click here (Refresh Magazine June 2020).


Second, the hardcover launch of my newest project, The Return: A 9/11 Story, has been delayed until shipping restrictions during the Covid-19 crisis are lifted. The “Canadian connection” in this story is David “Mac” MacDonald, a man who fled New York on the morning of September 11, 2001. Mac needs to dodge the FBI and mob connections as he tries to connect with his partner’s daughter, Cassie MacDonald, a young twenty-two year old bank clerk. Cassie’s faith in a God who sees beyond the twists in the road offer a story that applies the truth of Proverbs 3:5-6 in a modern-day setting. This adult mystery/adventure novel is currently available as an e-Book on Amazon.

Living in a Covid-19 World #31

Behind  Every  Successful  Woman …

It is no secret that my wife, Rhonda, is an early riser. This hasn’t changed during our weeks of self-isolation and social distancing; it might even have become more accentuated. My family and I have benefited from her care and hard work.

We’ve all heard it said that “behind every successful man is a good woman,” but let’s invert the equation. It’s one thing to use Proverbs 31 as a measuring rod for the ‘ideal woman,’ but how often have I (as a man) stopped to think that about my role to ensure that my wife the freedom to be this kind of person.

To read the rest of this devotional, go to my LukeFiveTen blog.

NOTE: This is the final post of the Proverb-a-Day challenge. I encourage readers to continue the habit of reading daily from the Bible. Maybe start with the Psalms and read a Psalm a day over the months of this summer. It’s a life-skill that will inspire, comfort and direct your life.

Living in a Covid-19 World #30

Godliness with Contentment

Give me neither poverty nor riches

(Proverbs 30:8b)

The context of Proverbs 30:8 is a request for contentment. Agur, a nebulous character who more than likely was an Assyrian Ruler, says: Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the LORD?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.

The fame of Solomon reached to many nations, and Agur is more than likely one of many dignitaries that visited Jerusalem during his reign. The Queen of Sheba (modern day Ethiopia) also visited and marveled at the wisdom of Israel’s king. Solomon’s story of his dream (I Kings 3:1-15), was likely told to these visitors. For visiting rulers it was amazing to think that Solomon would ask for wisdom to rule, as opposed to long life, riches, or fame.

To read the rest of this devotional, go to my LukeFiveTen blog.